Monday 27 September 2010

run #22 2nd 6 mile run at 6.6 miles

Today was a test on a few levels with my attempt at my second 6.6 mile run barefoot.
First off I was most concerned about my knee. As this was around the mark I got the problem with the illiotibial band many years ago. Coupled with this the ITB is a repetitive strain injury. So as I was about to repeat some reptitive running it was a concern. I also felt in the morning my knee felt a bit suspect.
However, I've felt a bit sensitive before and found the runs ok. Using the run/walk system I feel brings a level of safety to the runs.
Secondly, I wan't too sure if my pads had recovered sufficiently from the previous run. As I ran an extra 1.4 miles on tarmac it did put a strain on my pads last run out.
Everything else I felt confident would hold up. So I decided on a plan to use my TWF Aqua shoes.
I do a loop back on myself so I left them in the car and make  a decision on the last 1.4 miles.
As it turned out my feet were pretty sensitive early on. My final stretch of my run is all on tarmac if I want. I decided to skip to the grass a bit more on the way back. When I reached my car my common sense actually won the battle and I put them on for a mile. I then ran the last .6 mile barefoot.
Having really fried my feet in the past I knew the pads today would be fine after the run.
As it was my first run in the TWF's I got to feel how they would be. They were really comfortable. The drawstring arrangement around the ankle didn't need to be pulled at all. My feel had plenty of room. My pads were in heaven. Yet I felt a bit restricted in them. I shall do my very best to always run barefoot where I can.
But to enable me to run further the TWF's are great for that. So I will use them to help me out with my run extensions.
My knee held out. At one stage I forgot to do the walk interval and ran for 9 minutes. I don't really want to set my knee back so I will stick to the 30 second walk intervals.
I decided to do 5 min/30 sec intervals on my final stretch and then ended with a nice 7 minute run.
I had plenty of energy left over and was able to do a full gym workout afterwards.

Thursday 23 September 2010

run #21 1st 6 mile run at 6.6 miles

The thing is with goals sometimes its tempting to have a go a lot earlier than you planned. Today was a classic case.
I was all set to run 5.2 miles but when I could see just how easy it all was I decided to just creep down a bit further. The closer I came to a big landmark the more I wanted to make it. So I did.

My feet were fine up to the landmark. My knee held out as well.

Up to 5.5 miles I'd done two 7 minutes running and 30 second walks. I decided seeing as I was going a lot further I would return down to 5 min runs and 30 second walks. It just made really good sense to do this and it made the extra bit so much easier to achieve as well.

On the way to returning to my starting point my feet were beginning to feel the tarmac more than previously. I figured that I'd made the decision to complete so I did. I checked the feet over at the end and everything looked normal.

This evening my knee is a bit burny but it will pass by tomorrow morning.

Today I passed a guy with his two man team running with the bendy metal C-shaped leg. Just like that guy from South Africa. Quite amazing.

I passed this guy on his bike, and he shouted 'your feet must be really cold'. I just laughed. The shock on his face was great. It was raining and blowing pretty hard when I passed him.

The grass downhill was so slippery I had to really take it easy.

I decided I'd wear my swimming cap in the rain. Just because. It really worked well. Initailly I ran with my prescription sunglasses as well. But they were pressing so hard on my nose from being underneath the cap I took them off.

This left me with having to view the terrain with my short-sighted eyes. They're not that bad. -2.2 but it was a bit of a worry in the beginning. But I seemed to pick up all the bad bits.

So the run meant I was pounding on my pads on tarmac a lot more than I had previously. They held up really well. They are fine this evening. I shall keep them off pavements and hard surfaces until my next run. Walking on grass will be fine.

I was feeling really great after the run. It was for me a personal achievement.

My knee started playing up about 9 years ago. It kicked in like clockwork whenever I tried to run 6 miles. Eventually it got worse and worse until I couldn't even run for more than 7 minutes.

But now I have more information, better techniques and barefoot motion for lower joint impact.

So today it was a milestone to put to bed my 6 mile gremlin from 9 years ago. I will only want to run that route now and nothing less. The 7.4 mile landmark milestone is only .8 mile away now. I should have that cracked easily in the next 3 weeks or so.

Monday 20 September 2010

run #20 4th 5 mile run 5.2 miles

Today I ran my 4th 5 miler barefoot.

However, I thought I'd be too wiped out to do it. On Saturday my partner, who loves her long walks, took  both on this 5 hour walk. The walk was in flip flops so the lower muscles were working overtime. We pretty much collapsed on the sofa when we got home. The next day I was completely wiped out.

So I figured it might take a few days to recover. However, on her encouragement, I went out and had a go today with my regular 5 mile run.

The run was great. In fact it felt quicker today. Still using the run walk method, I increased the last 3 run intervals to 6 minutes running, 30 second walk. I also went a bit further. I'd been tempted before today but I felt it was worth a try today.

The tarmac is about the roughest of the seafront promenade. Its quite a short stretch but I wanted to break my feet in to the feeling of the surface.

The 5.2 miles also finished at a good landmark next to this main road. So I ran to the new road landmark on the rough stuff and back. It was pretty tingly. But that's all it was. In fact it was quite pleasant.

I also managed to fit in comfortably a full gym workout afterwards.

I'm finding these runs energising rather than exhausting. A good sign is if there's room for something else afterwards.

The run is quite varied. Its tarmac, grass, concrete, pebbled stones and concrete combined.

The new goal is to get to the end of the promenade. I believe this to make the total run 7.4 miles. The biggest test of this is the extra running on tarmac which is my favorite challenge.

Thursday 16 September 2010

run #19 3rd 5 mile run

Thursday 16.09.10 I did my 3rd 5 mile run.

Sticking with the run walk method the run was tremendous fun. With some great music on I felt really great. Also the run had a tiny knee ache on the inside for around a minute then passed. Today it was more my achilles tendons that I felt were feeling the run today.

I will say that I am beginning to really enjoy the luxury of 30 second walk breaks. Why on earth we insist on running till the end is something that is illogical. first of all its a lot easier and effortless to run with intervals. Secondly the fat burning is essentially perfect. The heart rate is still up at the end of the 30 seconds.

I also like that I am taking care of myself. I am a really competitive person with myself and my expectations. So its nice to see a more sensible side to me that's prepared to just enjoy the running and remove the vicious strain of it.

When I see slow runners just taking it easy, they are nearly all landing on the forefoot. They look happy and relaxed. It looks effortless.

The splits are something like this:

2 minute walk: 1 minute run : one minute walk * 3: 2 minutes run 30 second walk * 3: 3 minute run 30 second walk * 2: 4 min run 30 second walk * 4: then the rest 5 minute run 30 second walk to finish.

For 5 miles it was 1 hr 10 mins 50 seconds. 30 second off for pit stop and 30 seconds off for smart phone fumble to switch stop watch to stop.

run #18

I did my second barefoot 5 miler on Monday. I'd had quite a few days rest before this run. It was really windy on the seafront.

It went without incident. Once again most enjoyable. I continued with the run walk intervals. I found the stop watch system works well as its very accurate.

Sunday 12 September 2010

What I've learned so far about Barefoot running

Unless you've been walking in really flat shoes recently, respect the minimal times suggested to walk and run in the beginning.

If you have injuries and are turning to barefoot running, realise there is a big adjustment in the healthy areas too.

The adaptation of the feet, surrounding and supporting areas is going to take a lot of weeks. Be patient.

Enjoy the new feeling of switching to barefoot. Although it takes time to adjust, each outing is exciting and stimulating, with lots of feedback.

Strange pains, strains and sensations will be present for a few months while you develop your new muscle, ligament and tendon strength for barefoot activity.

Give the pads a few days off after a run on hard rough surfaces. The pads need that time to regenerate and strengthen.

Don't be shy about being minimal about running. By using the run walk run method explained in great detail in the book 'running until your 100', you can run injury free.

If you can find short cut grass to run on first for a few weeks I would start there first. However, watch out carefully for hidden stones and things.

Proper Barefoot running is more likely to be taken up by those who are prone to extremism. Extremist people are determined to overcome setbacks, problems and niggles to achieve their goals.

Its easier for people who've got long term injuries they can't shake off or correct.

Its also easier for people who've had to give up running or are just starting out. There is no frustration of losing hard-earned miles in running shoes.

Its easier to accept if you've done your research and understand the history of our ancestors and the evolution of the foot mechanics.

Gently try out the rougher surfaces. Switch from grass to harder surfaces and then back again. Don't wait until there's pain. Stick to a minute and then off.

Build up really slowly. Start by walking on grass for 3 minutes; Run for 30 seconds, walk for a minute, repeat for 3 to 5 times.

If you can switch totally to flip flops or totally flat sandals. This will help strengthen all areas in the lower legs and feet.

Running barefoot uses different muscles to walking barefoot. There are mutual muscles used as well, especially in the calf and achilles tendon.

Even if you feel you can run for a length of time on tarmac resist the temptation to overdo it. The pads suddenly give out. Do the minimal breaking in and then rest for a few days.

Friday 10 September 2010

run #17

Great run of 5 miles. I used the run walk run method. It made the run a lot simpler and my knees really thanked me for it. No tightness of note on the knee.

I could feel it was working me, especially at the end there was some slight heavy breathing.

I alternated the surfaces. After reading barefoot running I shall respect the recovery a lot more for the pads. Perhaps even with my walks, I'll keep it minimal on the barefoot walking. Stick to the grass.

I must thank the author of 'running until your 100'. His run walk run method really works. He talks you through the logic of doing it that way. It also helped to just get out of the straining mindset of running continuously from start to finish.

The most important thing is to feel joy when you are running and feel the great effects of running when you take you mini walk breaks.

#run 16

On monday I ran my usual route. I'm running through my knee problems. Its the first run after the twist.

I took it really easy and totally enjoyed it. I played my new drum and bass arena 2010.

My pads aren't totally recovered but I can run a bit on the rough tarmac.

The very positive thing is I finished without a knee issue.

I will allow 2 to 3 days rest between runs

Sunday 5 September 2010

Run #15

On Thursday I had a full day with my knee. I returned to the grassy route of 3.4 miles. I placed in 3 break points to give the knee a rest and then went running.
I took it at a slow pace. I decided a while ago that I had better keep the pace slow as if I were still having foot problems. That way my joints and ligaments can strengthen gradually.
I could feel the knee was going to be touch and go. I managed to get to the end. It was a great run, with good music, lovely weather and scenary.
I then went to the gym. My knee felt a bit tender but as I was only doing upper body the workout wouldn't affect it at all.
So I finished that up had a shower and then once dressed I managed to twist the knee on turning myself around. It felt horrible.
Since then I've been nursing the knee although the same afternoon I did my first cycle for months into town. The knee was fine.
I think if I add up the days prior to the knee problem its been loads and loads of walking and two runs inbeween.

This weekend I did more walking and then some cycling, gym, more walking and swimming.

I'm hoping to try out a run tomorrow. I'm going to do the same as I did on thursday and just see how I go. If I read it right then I will know if the knee is going to go or not.