Friday 29 October 2010

run #30 6.6 miles total barefoot with split times

Total run time: thur 28.10.10 1hr 16 minutes 28 sec

Longest Split Run: 6 min 22 sec

4 splits over 6 minutes

 7 splits over 5 minutes

30 splits in total

distance 6.6 miles

I really enjoyed this run. Apart from some stiffness in the Achilles tendon half way through the run was niggle free.

I decided that it was best to drop down to 6 minute runs. These ended been a decent pace as my final time shows. I felt like I was really working in the run but not exhaustively so.

I also started running 5 minutes a bit earlier as well. So all round it was good.

I increased my pace a bit after 30 minutes of running. This continued to a quicker pace when reaching the 6 minutes mark.

During the last 30 minutes of my run I felt I was running properly. It was a great feeling. I realised that just to be able to run at a decent pace is wonderful. There is no need to keep expecting more and more which is sometimes my natural tendency. Its about having a different mindset. I feel for now up to 6 minutes for my maximum split, and going at a quicker tempo suits me better.

I didn't run on Monday. I felt I needed a rest. My Calf muscles and leg muscles felt they needed a decent amount of time to recover.

I might switch my runs to having 3 days off each run possibly 4.

split 1 2.00 walk
split 2 1.01 run
split 3 1.00 walk
split 4 1.08 run
split 5 0.34 walk

time so far 4.45

split 6 3.15 r
split 7 0.34 w
split 8 3.23 r
split 9 0.30 w

13.29 min

split 10 5.38 r
split 11 0.40 w
split 12 2.57 r (mini break)
split 13 043 w
split 14 5.28 w


split 15 0.33 w
split 16 5.18 r
split 17 0.36 w
split 18 4.36 r
split 19 0.38 w
split 20 5.00 r


split 21 0.34 w
split 22 6.03 r
split 23 0.30 w
split 24 6.06 r
split 25 0.30 w

0hr 59 min 29 sec total so far

split 26 6.22 r
split 27 0.38 w
split 28 6.01 r
split 29 0.31 w
split 30 3.24 r

 end of run 1hr 16 min 28 seconds

Sunday 24 October 2010

run #29 split times

Total run time: thur 21.10.10 1hr 22 minutes

Longest Split Run: 6min 43 sec

8 splits over 5 minutes

33 splits in total

distance 6.6 miles

split 1 2.02 walk
split 2 1.03 run
split 3 0.58 walk
split 4 1.07 run
split 5 0.35 walk

time so far 5.47

split 6 2.37 r
split 7 0.32 w
spli t8 3.06 r
split 9 0.30 w

12.34 min

split 10 3.55 r
split 11 0.32 w
split 12 1.55 run(+nature)
split 13 5.12 r
split 14 0.48 w


split 15 5.11 r
split 16 0.30 w
split 17 5.02 r
split 18 0.15 w
split 19 6.00 r
split 20 0.33 w
split 21 6.43 r
split 22 0.32 w
split 23 5.57 r
split 24 0.31 w
split 25 3.59 run (knee was aching)
1.00 total minutes so far
split 26 0.45 walk (needed a breather)
split 27 3.58 run (sticking to 4 minutes due to knee)
split 28 0.40 w
split 29 5.05 run (knee felling better)
split 30 0.40 w
split 31 5.14 r
split 32 0.32 w
split 33 4.54 r

end of run 1hr 22 minutes

happy with this considering tender pads and sore knee half way through run. The split time was awesome in allowing me to continue without aggravating my knee.

run #28 split times

Total run time: thur 18.10.10 1hr 17 minutes

 Longest Split Run: 9 min 04 sec

 2 splits over 9 minutes

4 splits over 8 minutes

6 splits over 5 minutes

33 splits in total

distance 6.6 miles

 split 1 1.59 walk
 split 2 1.17 run
split 3 0.58 walk
 split 4 1.08 run
 split 5 1.00 walk

 time so far 6.24

 split 6 2.05 r
 split 7 0.39 w
 split 8 4.15 r
 split 9 0.35 w

 14.00 min

split 10 4.06 r
split 11 0.31 w
split 12 0.16 +  run ?
 split 13
0.46 w
 split 14 4.43 r


 split 15 0.34 w
 split 16 6.14 r
 split 17 0.30 w
 split 18 8.29 r
 split 19 0.44 w
 split 20 7.59 r

split 21 0.34 w
split 22 9.04 r
split 23 0.33 w
 split 24 9.04 r
 split 25 1.00 w

 1hr 09 min total so far

 split 26 5.19 r
 split 27 0.29 w
 split 28 2.08 r

 end of run 1hr 17 minutes

 This was a great run. Towards the end I was a bit stubborn and ran when the knee was aching. I paid the price for the next run and the next few days. But I learnt that I am making a lot of progress and this was my best time so far by 2 minutes.

run #29 9th run totally barefoot at 6.6 miles

I was pleased to get through this run. Its the run that only has a two day break from the previous run. My Monday run left me a bit tender on the pads and my knee.

I used a few ways to modify this run so as not to cause myself a knee problem or burn out the pads. Firstly I made sure I did all my warm up split times before the 45 minute switch to faster split. I also didn't go powering off too much, just an easy pace.

I also trimmed down the 7 minute runs to a few more 5 minute and 6 minute runs. I also stayed away from going beyond 7 minutes.

When my knee felt tender today I stopped and walked it out for 30 seconds.

For my pads I stayed on the grass a bit more today. Even on the seafront tarmac stretch I hoped a bit more on the grass today. I knew my pads were tender pretty early on in the run. I was determined not to use shoes so the grass option was the alternative.

I did only 1 seven minute segment today as the knee wasn't strong. At times I moved it down to 4 minutes.

By doing all the above I managed a good respectable run today.

It probably seems complicated to work with all the split times. However, like a lot of things, once you get used to it its pretty easy and very accurate.

I don't recommend guessing the split times. I've had occasion when a 5 minute segment ended up 8 minutes. When you nursing a problem its best to stick to the moderated splits.

run #28 8th run barefoot at 6.6 miles

I ran this on Monday. It was a very good run in terms of time. However, my knee did hurt in the faster sections towards the end.

I will need to take care of the knee complaints. Although minor and today(Wednesday it feels perfect) there's no need to get stupid and stop my running for a few weeks or set it back.

So tomorrow I will take it a bit easier. Its going to be a chilly one tomorrow so hopefully not too bad.

Once again I did it totally barefoot. Although I did feel it the next couple of days.

Sunday 17 October 2010

run #27 7th 6 mile run at 6.6 miles

I really enjoyed this run on Thursday. As with most barefoot runs there's always lots going on. Its not just strap on your boots and go.

For starters I managed to slip into a sunny period in the afternoon. In October this makes quite a difference. I'm warming up the feet with the car heater as per useful tips from barefoot running book.

As I've set in my mind the first 45 minutes are my warm up I just settle into the slower pace. For some reason though this run I ended reducing the walk split by extending the run time in-between. 

Once I got going with the second half of the run I felt great. 

When I reached the tarmac I felt after a few minutes I might be able to run the whole thing barefoot.

I did pick up my shoes but didn't use them.

I passed these two cops and I heard the one say "that's gotta hurt". I enjoyed that. I was going at a fair pace at that point.

Once I reached my car to pick up my shoes I decided I'd run in 9 minute blocks. After the first 9 minutes I walked a minute. The second 9 minutes ended being only 7 minutes as I reached my car earlier than I though.

I was ecstatic with the final 45 minutes and the last two segments. I felt unlimited in my speed which is such a great feeling again.

So my plan over the next few runs is to bed in the complete run barefoot. I will also start to decrease the time on the grass. I can feel the grass is hardening up now due to the colder winter. At some point its probably going to become very rough and uneven. I don't fancy some mishap.

I'm not sure at what point I'll feel my knee issue is a thing of the past. Perhaps after a further 25 runs maybe.

Thursday 14 October 2010

run #27 split times

Total run time: thur 14.10.10 1.21.04
lap 1 2.01 walk
lap 2 1.02 run
lap 3 1.02 walk
lap 4 1.02 run
lap 5 1.01 walk
lap 6 2.07 run
lap 7 1.01 walk
lap 8 3.02 run
lap 9 0.44 walk
13.06 min
lap 10 3.02 run
lap 11 0.31 walk
lap 12 4.52 run
lap 13 0.45 walk
lap 14 5.12 run
lap 15 0.42 walk
lap 16 7.01 run
lap 17 0.33 walk
lap 18 7.03 run
lap 19 0.29 walk
lap 20 7.00 run
lap 21 0.35 walk
lap 22 7.02 run
lap 23 0.30 walk
lap 24 3.21 run (stop to car)
lap 25 1.55 stop (clean feet pick up shoes, didn't use them)
lap 26 9.05 run (reached pier and turned around)
lap 27 1.00 walk (needed a breather)
lap 28 7.06 run
stopped watch after 3 seconds
end of run

run #26 split times

Total run time: thur 11.10.10 1.27.17
lap 1 2.07 walk
lap 2 1.05 run
lap 3 1.13 walk
lap 4 1.11 run
lap 5 0.30  walk
lap 6 2.10 run
lap 7 0.32 walk
lap 8 2.07 run
lap 9 0.31 walk
11.31 min
lap 10 3.16 run
lap 11 0.31 walk
lap 12 3.11 run
lap 13 0.31 walk
lap 14 4.16 run
lap 15 0.37 walk
lap 16 3.58 run
lap 17 0.31 walk
lap 18 5.23 run
lap 19 0.30 walk
lap 20 5.13 run
lap 21 0.31 walk
lap 22 2.44 run (stop for loo)
lap 23 0.45 walk
lap 24 6.39 run
lap 25 0.32 walk
lap 26 6.01 run
lap 27 0.35 walk
lap 28 2.07 run (stopped by car past grand avenue)
lap 29 2.06 stop clean feet grab shoes
lap 30 8.30 run put on shoes
lap 31 6.0 run in aqua shoes
lap 32 0.30 walk
lap 33 9.02 run barefoot
lap 34 walk
lap 35 0.58 run
1.27.17 3 seconds to stop watch
stopped watch after 3 seconds
end of run

Monday 11 October 2010

run #26 6th 6 mile run at 6.6 miles

This run enjoyed the benefit of a long warm up of 45 minutes of the run/walk system. There was a lot of niggles going on from, achilles heel, lower calf, a bit of knee twinges as well.

However, like my previous runs, after 45 minutes I felt things settled down and I stepped up my pace.

The run was great. My pads had recovered sufficiently from the previous run 96 hours before.

I've been finding the concrete track the hardest to run on so far. Although the tarmac is rough there is a consistancy to it and its less harsh.

The route I do has about 2 miles of grass. It runs along the Worthing seafront. Today was windy but a completely clear sky day.

I stuck to my plan to only run for 6 minutes in the aqua shoes. I also stretched out my runs to using 8 and 9 minute intervals.

My warm up run included a lot of mini run/walks.

I loved the rythym I managed to settle into once I ran a bit quicker. I could really enjoy continuing to do my runs at that pace.

The pace I'm going doesn't thrash me. That's not what I want anyway. As long as I'm fat-burning and getting a leaner look to my physique I'll stick to a softer pace. From what I've read that's the right way to burn fat anyway.

Also very important is I feel I'm enjoying the run and end it with a feeling I could have gone a lot further.

This moderate running allows me to add swimming and weights to my weekly training. Both of which I really love as well.

These days at 49 I'm happy to be able to run again and train week in week out. At my current pace I haven't had to take a week off so far.

A couple of runs ago I upped my pace to fast pace. Yet today I was only 2 minutes off that pace by running a bit quicker earlier.

The time is important to me as it shows I'm improving. The clock can also ruin your running. I use it as a guide. If I've improved naturally and effortlessly I'm happy.

I used my aqua shoes near the end when I stopped by my car to pick them up. I put them on after a further 8 minute barefoot on tarmac run. Today was 6 minutes in the aquas. Once I took them off to finish my run, it felt fantastic. I realise that all the effort to run barefoot is paying off. It is for me the best way to run. I will try my best to do all my runs barefoot. Hopefully this winter we won't get too many iced up days.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Timex H2Z272 Mens Ironman Triathlon Digital Sport Watch

5.0 out of 5 stars
Perfect watch for my needs, 10 Oct 2010
By stephen Luff (Worthing, Sussex United Kingdom) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Timex Ironman T5E261 Triathlon 100 Lap Watch with Flix System (Watch)
I was looking for a watch that complimented my run/ walk method that I've been using recently to overcome a niggly illiotibial band problem. I found this watch by chance on youtube. The one I got from ebay was a yellow bezel. Yellow's in for me at the moment. I bought it from this user(wrist-wear) on ebay which came in days..
On the video it was specifically using the watch for the run walk system. Lets say you run 4 minutes then walk for a minute. you can set it to loop on those two times beebing at the end of each one. So initially when I bought it I was going to use that method. However in practice with only 9 split countdowns available it didn't work out for me. As I go well over that with a variety of different split times throughout my run. This was no deal breaker for me though.
 What also intrigued me about the watch was it displayed the total run time and the split time for the lap. Also that is switchable. So I've placed the split time in the centre with big display and the smaller time displays the total time run. I'm not bothered by continually checking my time so I can live without the beeps. I always run with my mp3 player anyway. 
Having done one run with it for 90 minutes I found the watch fantastic for my purposes. The watch also lets you store your run time plus all your split times as well. Over 78 times can be stored with the date of the run. 
A bonus for me was I realised I could use the watch in the pool as well. I didn't buy it for that purpose but it had that ability. I don't swim competitively but I found it most useful to know my lap times. Today for instance I decided to time my butterfly for the 33.5 metre length. I was curious to see how close it was to my Total immersion swimming freestyle. It was quite comparable.
 Also in the pool I decided to try a technique for backstroke I'd seen at the commonwealth games. I noticed a wider sweep with a more pushing downwards towards the feet type of stroke. So I timed my normal lap for backstroke and then the new technique. Well lets just say I was pretty pleased to shave 30 seconds off the time!! I also timed my 20 laps of freestyle. I noticed as I warmed up the lap times kept coming down. Up to today I had no idea this was going on. I then did a kind of stalking timed lap. I'd seen this lady in the pool for ages and she really flies with her breaststroke. So I was curious to see her time. So that was interesting as well. I've not worn a watch for years recently. I'll just say mobiles phones. But I really like my watch so I've been wearing it everyday since I got it. 
Curiously I watched another video about a timex ironman watch and the presenter said he knew of two top CEO's wearing the ironman watch. He found that rather telling as they could have owned any highly expensive watch instead. The flix function to get the nighttime light to come on is quite vigorous. A dodgy wrist(me) won't like it. Fortunately its only a button push away. I've just had a play with it now. If you've perfected the kung fu wrist flick( try hanging a piece of paper from the ceiling and then do a snap backfist on it to perfect it), it works consistency. The standard time display is large and clear. Some related products to this review: 

Running Until You're 100 Run/Walk System 

Easy Freestyle Swimming [DVD] [2008] [US Import]

run #25 5th 6 mile run at 6.6 miles

Having learnt from the previous two runs I decided to implement my finding from my longer runs.
I decided to do a gentle pace for the first 45 minutes of my run. This was to treat it as a warm up. I've found recently that my whole running set of muscles, ligaments and tendons really prefer a nice slow warm up.
I wasn't too sure about my pads seeing as run #24 had some serious sprints in it. They did feel a bit tender on the concrete paths. These paths are sometimes set like mini cobble stones. I think they are actually harder to run on than the tarmac.  So after 45 minutes I gently eased into a quicker pace. As I'm not timing each mile its difficult to give an estimate of pace. It was comfortable and enjoyable. This to me is very important.
Today on the run I noticed that one can have a mindset while running. Mine was set at default. This default setting only looks at progress. That's to say its always looking in the future or looking for moments to keep going faster.  I then decided to see if I could change that mindset to one of enjoyment. To take out the competitve element of the run and just enjoy the feeling of running. At the right pace running feels amazing. Its very uplifting and seems to drive itself.
On my previous run I really pushed to a very fast pace barefoot on the tarmac. This left my pads feeling quite tender towards the end. That run was on Monday. So my pads only had 2 days of recovery.
Today I decided to put on the aqua shoes at around 5 miles in. However, while running on the tarmac I felt pretty comfortable so decided to run for 7 minutes and then put the shoes on. I did this. I then decided I would only run 7 mins with the shoes on. I did this as well. I then managed to finish my run barefoot.  My pads were surprisingly in good condition at the end. So this bodes well for the future.
What I will do is strip off a minute in the shoes on each run until I'm down to 4 minutes. I'll then stop using the shoes altogether for this particular run.  At the point of not using my shoes I'll start considering running a further .8 miles which takes the run to 7.4 miles. Its a particular landmarked route so its easier for me to bed that in.  So I'll do a further 3 runs with the shoes shaving a minute off each run. I'll then go completely barefoot for the run for about another 3-5 runs and then extend it.

Friday 8 October 2010

run #24 4th 6 mile run at 6.6 miles

This run was up and down. In the beginning I got a sharp pain in my calf. I walked it out for a minute. It seemed to clear the worst of it up. I then got several niggles for a while.About halfway through my run I realised that I was running niggle free. So I figured I should allow myself about 45 minutes to warm up before stretching out. So this was some useful insight.

I then found I was able to stretch out towards the end of the run and give it a good fast pace on the tarmac. this was really fun and rewarding for all my efforts up to this point.

Thursday 7 October 2010

run #23 4th 6 mile run at 6.6 miles

This was my third run at 6.6 miles.

Each run so far has had niggles at the beginning. I took it slow in the beginning.

I felt on this run I was too slow in the minimalist shoes. The run took a further 5 minutes longer than the previous one.

One advantage of slower runs is you have more energy.

At the end I had a little opening up of my pace which surprised me how much traction I got from barefoot on tarmac.

Enjoyable run.