Friday 10 September 2010

run #17

Great run of 5 miles. I used the run walk run method. It made the run a lot simpler and my knees really thanked me for it. No tightness of note on the knee.

I could feel it was working me, especially at the end there was some slight heavy breathing.

I alternated the surfaces. After reading barefoot running I shall respect the recovery a lot more for the pads. Perhaps even with my walks, I'll keep it minimal on the barefoot walking. Stick to the grass.

I must thank the author of 'running until your 100'. His run walk run method really works. He talks you through the logic of doing it that way. It also helped to just get out of the straining mindset of running continuously from start to finish.

The most important thing is to feel joy when you are running and feel the great effects of running when you take you mini walk breaks.

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