Monday 27 September 2010

run #22 2nd 6 mile run at 6.6 miles

Today was a test on a few levels with my attempt at my second 6.6 mile run barefoot.
First off I was most concerned about my knee. As this was around the mark I got the problem with the illiotibial band many years ago. Coupled with this the ITB is a repetitive strain injury. So as I was about to repeat some reptitive running it was a concern. I also felt in the morning my knee felt a bit suspect.
However, I've felt a bit sensitive before and found the runs ok. Using the run/walk system I feel brings a level of safety to the runs.
Secondly, I wan't too sure if my pads had recovered sufficiently from the previous run. As I ran an extra 1.4 miles on tarmac it did put a strain on my pads last run out.
Everything else I felt confident would hold up. So I decided on a plan to use my TWF Aqua shoes.
I do a loop back on myself so I left them in the car and make  a decision on the last 1.4 miles.
As it turned out my feet were pretty sensitive early on. My final stretch of my run is all on tarmac if I want. I decided to skip to the grass a bit more on the way back. When I reached my car my common sense actually won the battle and I put them on for a mile. I then ran the last .6 mile barefoot.
Having really fried my feet in the past I knew the pads today would be fine after the run.
As it was my first run in the TWF's I got to feel how they would be. They were really comfortable. The drawstring arrangement around the ankle didn't need to be pulled at all. My feel had plenty of room. My pads were in heaven. Yet I felt a bit restricted in them. I shall do my very best to always run barefoot where I can.
But to enable me to run further the TWF's are great for that. So I will use them to help me out with my run extensions.
My knee held out. At one stage I forgot to do the walk interval and ran for 9 minutes. I don't really want to set my knee back so I will stick to the 30 second walk intervals.
I decided to do 5 min/30 sec intervals on my final stretch and then ended with a nice 7 minute run.
I had plenty of energy left over and was able to do a full gym workout afterwards.

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