Thursday 16 September 2010

run #19 3rd 5 mile run

Thursday 16.09.10 I did my 3rd 5 mile run.

Sticking with the run walk method the run was tremendous fun. With some great music on I felt really great. Also the run had a tiny knee ache on the inside for around a minute then passed. Today it was more my achilles tendons that I felt were feeling the run today.

I will say that I am beginning to really enjoy the luxury of 30 second walk breaks. Why on earth we insist on running till the end is something that is illogical. first of all its a lot easier and effortless to run with intervals. Secondly the fat burning is essentially perfect. The heart rate is still up at the end of the 30 seconds.

I also like that I am taking care of myself. I am a really competitive person with myself and my expectations. So its nice to see a more sensible side to me that's prepared to just enjoy the running and remove the vicious strain of it.

When I see slow runners just taking it easy, they are nearly all landing on the forefoot. They look happy and relaxed. It looks effortless.

The splits are something like this:

2 minute walk: 1 minute run : one minute walk * 3: 2 minutes run 30 second walk * 3: 3 minute run 30 second walk * 2: 4 min run 30 second walk * 4: then the rest 5 minute run 30 second walk to finish.

For 5 miles it was 1 hr 10 mins 50 seconds. 30 second off for pit stop and 30 seconds off for smart phone fumble to switch stop watch to stop.

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