Sunday 5 September 2010

Run #15

On Thursday I had a full day with my knee. I returned to the grassy route of 3.4 miles. I placed in 3 break points to give the knee a rest and then went running.
I took it at a slow pace. I decided a while ago that I had better keep the pace slow as if I were still having foot problems. That way my joints and ligaments can strengthen gradually.
I could feel the knee was going to be touch and go. I managed to get to the end. It was a great run, with good music, lovely weather and scenary.
I then went to the gym. My knee felt a bit tender but as I was only doing upper body the workout wouldn't affect it at all.
So I finished that up had a shower and then once dressed I managed to twist the knee on turning myself around. It felt horrible.
Since then I've been nursing the knee although the same afternoon I did my first cycle for months into town. The knee was fine.
I think if I add up the days prior to the knee problem its been loads and loads of walking and two runs inbeween.

This weekend I did more walking and then some cycling, gym, more walking and swimming.

I'm hoping to try out a run tomorrow. I'm going to do the same as I did on thursday and just see how I go. If I read it right then I will know if the knee is going to go or not.

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