Sunday 17 October 2010

run #27 7th 6 mile run at 6.6 miles

I really enjoyed this run on Thursday. As with most barefoot runs there's always lots going on. Its not just strap on your boots and go.

For starters I managed to slip into a sunny period in the afternoon. In October this makes quite a difference. I'm warming up the feet with the car heater as per useful tips from barefoot running book.

As I've set in my mind the first 45 minutes are my warm up I just settle into the slower pace. For some reason though this run I ended reducing the walk split by extending the run time in-between. 

Once I got going with the second half of the run I felt great. 

When I reached the tarmac I felt after a few minutes I might be able to run the whole thing barefoot.

I did pick up my shoes but didn't use them.

I passed these two cops and I heard the one say "that's gotta hurt". I enjoyed that. I was going at a fair pace at that point.

Once I reached my car to pick up my shoes I decided I'd run in 9 minute blocks. After the first 9 minutes I walked a minute. The second 9 minutes ended being only 7 minutes as I reached my car earlier than I though.

I was ecstatic with the final 45 minutes and the last two segments. I felt unlimited in my speed which is such a great feeling again.

So my plan over the next few runs is to bed in the complete run barefoot. I will also start to decrease the time on the grass. I can feel the grass is hardening up now due to the colder winter. At some point its probably going to become very rough and uneven. I don't fancy some mishap.

I'm not sure at what point I'll feel my knee issue is a thing of the past. Perhaps after a further 25 runs maybe.

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