Sunday 24 October 2010

run #29 9th run totally barefoot at 6.6 miles

I was pleased to get through this run. Its the run that only has a two day break from the previous run. My Monday run left me a bit tender on the pads and my knee.

I used a few ways to modify this run so as not to cause myself a knee problem or burn out the pads. Firstly I made sure I did all my warm up split times before the 45 minute switch to faster split. I also didn't go powering off too much, just an easy pace.

I also trimmed down the 7 minute runs to a few more 5 minute and 6 minute runs. I also stayed away from going beyond 7 minutes.

When my knee felt tender today I stopped and walked it out for 30 seconds.

For my pads I stayed on the grass a bit more today. Even on the seafront tarmac stretch I hoped a bit more on the grass today. I knew my pads were tender pretty early on in the run. I was determined not to use shoes so the grass option was the alternative.

I did only 1 seven minute segment today as the knee wasn't strong. At times I moved it down to 4 minutes.

By doing all the above I managed a good respectable run today.

It probably seems complicated to work with all the split times. However, like a lot of things, once you get used to it its pretty easy and very accurate.

I don't recommend guessing the split times. I've had occasion when a 5 minute segment ended up 8 minutes. When you nursing a problem its best to stick to the moderated splits.

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